Gesunde Füße | Step Forward GmbH | Freiburg im Breisgau
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Step by step to healthy feet

1. The concept:

Our active insoles support the activity of the foot. The foot muscles are strengthened and the entire body is straightened. The point is to avoid or correct misalignments.

2. Get a free consultation.

This takes about 10 minutes, is free of charge and without obligation and includes an individual foot analysis. We take an imprint of your foot and explain how your body is influenced by your foot position.
You can visit a personal advisor on site
(click here!) Or meet us at the fair.
Advice without contact is also possible,
find out more about our foot analysis set for at home here .

3. Test our active insoles immediately afterwards.

Experience the extraordinary effectiveness of our product with a little "test run".
With many consultants you can test our product immediately, look
for the (3) in the directory
Many customers notice, on the one hand, a more relaxed posture and, on the other hand, a noticeable reduction in their pain when walking with our active insoles for the first time.

4. Decide on a long-term solution.

If you have personally convinced yourself of our approach, you can purchase our active insoles directly. You get a satisfaction guarantee of 3 months and a product guarantee of 10 years.

5. Get your body used to the "fundamental" change

Since your feet are used to walking in shoes and on hard surfaces and not on natural surfaces (barefoot on sand or earth), your foot muscles are not trained enough. Therefore, you wear our active insoles initially only for up to 15 minutes a day and increase the wearing time according to our training plan. You usually need three weeks to get your body used to our product completely. Some feet adapt immediately, others take a little longer.

6. Claim our customer support after your purchase.

If you have any questions about the product, we are of course available to you even after purchasing the active insoles. You can call us or contact us by email.

7. Wear your active insoles comfortably for many years.

Our product fits in every ordinary shoe. The Velcro system allows you to wear them in open shoes, such as sandals or slippers. The shelf life is usually 15 years. You will receive a replacement free of charge if the active insoles crack or splinter within 10 years.

Benefit from the price / performance ratio.
Custom made insoles cost between € 150 - € 600. Prefabricated insoles range from € 30 - € 50, and should be renewed every 6 months.
At a price of € 295 and a normal wearing time of 15 years, you invest € 20 per year for our active insoles.

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