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Heel spur /




Vibrating sole: How a heel spur heals

In addition to the crooked toe syndrome, the activating insole brings quick and long-term help, especially with heel spurs - as was the case with Peter Faißt from Berlin, for whom classic symptom control therapies such as orthopedic insoles or heel pads were unsuccessful.

“Every step hurt me. With cortisone I was only able to get my severe heel pain under control for four months, ”says the pensioner. He tried shock wave therapy, but it only made the pain worse. Then he opted for radiation therapy, which also didn't work.

It was only by wearing the active insoles recommended by a doctor that Peter Faißt's daily torments came to an end. The thickened and inflamed tendon plate on the sole of the feet (plantar fascia) of the pensioner - the cause of the outgrowth on his heel bone - was reactivated and vibrated by the natural spring effect of the special insert.

The simple and effective aid simulated walking barefoot in nature in the shoe. Due to the stretching stimulus exerted on the sole, the brittle heel bone, which had previously been overloaded on one side, was re-stimulated and could thus be healed again.

“After my feet got used to the insoles,” reports Peter Faißt , “I wore them every day. After a few weeks I started to feel an improvement. After three months with the new soles I can go jogging again and I am absolutely pain-free ”.


The heel spur is a bony outgrowth on the heel bone and it is caused by overstressing the foot. The wrong footwear, excessive strain in sports or long periods of standing, as well as lack of exercise and training, excess weight and shortened muscles can all lead to heel spurs.

In the ultrasound one can see a thickening of the entire tendon plate of the sole of the foot (plantar fascia). This fascia loses its ability to vibrate if we keep moving on hard surfaces. The blood circulation is hindered as a result, the structures become firm and are prone to injuries. The important fascia can then be compared to an old, brittle rubber band.

If the overload progresses, this can become inflamed, which is called plantar fasciitis. In order to protect the tendon plate, the body deposits bony material at the tendon origin if the strain continues, which forms the actual heel spur. This can become very painful and a normal roll-over process when walking and running becomes impossible, although usually nothing can be seen externally.


Step Forward GmbH

Sundgauallee 35

79114 Freiburg

Tel .: +49 (0) 761 51220088


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